‘Building People’s Institutions for Development (BUD)’ is one of the courses at The DHAN Academy. The course equips the young graduates with knowledge and skills on promoting and sustaining community organisation. Micro labs will be organized as part of BUD course every year. Two micro labs – from 15th to 17th October (one lab) and 20th to 22nd October (second lab) – were organized for PDM 20 and PCM 02 batch students.
Micro labs organized as a part of BUD lab aimed at imparting the students an overall perspective on people’s organizations and also to make them acquire the skills of promoting, nurturing and managing the people Institutions.

PDM 20 and PCM 02 batch students in the field
Vulnerability assessment and conceiving inception document for the panchayats, applying the PALM and RMD methodologies at the grassroots, interacting with people leaders for strategic planning were some of the major focuses during the micro lab.