Home Centre for Development Communication

Centre for Development Communication

DHAN Foundation strongly believes that community provides a powerful learning opportunity and it views communication as a human factor in development. It believes that media, print, audio and visual can be used as a means for education, andmotivation in the spheres of development action.

Centre for Development Communication (CDC) facilitates documentation and dissemination of field learning within and outside the organisation by promoting the application of the traditional and modern media in development action.

The Centre documents and publishes the field experiences of the programmes and institutions of the DHAN Collective in both print and audio visual formats for information sharing and advocacy.

The Centre supports the people’s organisations to setup and run community media centres like community radio, video and web based technologies. It has also promoted a forum for Development Journalists to discuss and write on the development issues and initiatives that would reflect grassroots realities.

The Centre undertakes thematic campaigns combining digital and folk media for fostering Behavioural Change Communication(BCC). The Development Film Festival is an exciting feature organised annually in promoting films and film-makers on social change and development.