DHAN Foundation is one of the major stakeholders in the project. DHAN is implementing CFL project in 20 blocks, 10 each in Karnataka and Odisha from 2017.
For Phase II [in 2019], RBI has initiated the project in 25 new tribal blocks across the country, wherein DHAN is implementing across the five blocks of Banswara, Rajasthan.
DHAN Foundation adopts a bifocal approach in the CFL project – spreading literacy with attitudinal and behavioural change and connecting with the banking system for holistic financial inclusion so that the disadvantaged communities seek to avoid informal, exploitative / predatory financial services and practices. Community-based Peer learning and Participatory Learning Method (PALM) are among the key components of the pedagogy for CFL.
“The programme content of CFL will encompass 3Ps of financial literacy viz., Products (Savings, Credit, Insurance, Payment services and Pension); Processes (KYC, budgeting, planning); and Protection (mis–selling, unauthorized schemes, over indebtedness)”
“The ultimate objective of the CFL would be enabling people towards financial well-being through comprehensive, lucid financial literacy”
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Financial Literacy Awareness Programme (FLAP), Financial Intervention Group (FIG) promotion, Village Campaigns and Round Table Conference (RTC) are the key activities under implementation across the locations.
October month
“Two Round Table Conferences per block, total ten round table conferences were organized across the five blocks”
“Participatory Rural Appraisal have been organized across 137 villages of the five blocks”