Newsletter May

Celebrating World Earth Day

World Earth Day Celebrations in Madurai by Students

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“The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.”

-Ernest Hemingway

T here is one common home that we cannot ever replace and that is our planet Earth. On the occasion of World Earth day some students from Madurai, realizing this, took the decision to make this home better and worth living for.

On the occasion of World Earth Day, students from AC&RI, Madurai and Thiruchuli Federation, DHAN Vayalagam (Tank) Foundation together celebrated World Earth Day by planting trees in K. Meenakshipuram Village, Arupukottai, Viridhunagar.

Dr. Seenivasan, Project Coordinator, Kovilankulam Agriculture Research Department, Arupukottai presided over the function. He spoke about trees and soil, their importance and the need for the community to plant and protect trees and soil in the present scenario to the students and the local community.

Dr. Venudhevan, Assistant professor, Thiruchuli federation team and farmer leaders also actively participated in the lecture and tree plantation. More than 25 women farmers also participated and planted trees in their village. Students also conducted small awareness activities about the importance of trees during the event.

No wonder in a world where rapid deforestation and pollution is constantly endangering our planet, this subtle act of planting trees will definitely encourage more to follow the suit.

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