News Article showcasing Kotampatti FPO Members
F armers Producer Organizations (FPO) have changed the way farmers sell their produce in the market. From improving the bargaining power of the farmers to providing them with better returns, FPOs have demonstrated the true power of unity amongst the Indian farmers.
Sensing the importance of these organizations for the farmers, DHAN Foundation has always strived for the creation of such F.P.Os amongst all the farmer in the communities it is actively engaged with.
Kottampatti FPO, running with 1000 farmers with a turnover of Rs 35.5 lakhs is a leading example of one such ideal FPO. Recently, ‘the Daily Thanthi’ interviewed a few key members of the farmers’ organization and tried to understand their perspective behind it.
Talking about the structure of the group, FPO CEO Mr Karthikeyan shared, "With farmers contribution of Rs 1000 each, central government SFAC financial support, State Government's TNRDP support of Rs 10 lakh and NABARD support of Rs 5.5 lakhs, with the technical guidance of DHAN foundation, we are running with full zeal. We are procuring coconuts from the farmers and as per quality, it is sold in northern states for temple worship and the common public. “
Talking about coconut processing, he said, “To dry the coconuts, with the 50% funding support from Agriculture Engineering college, we have installed a solar drier. And also we are doing vermi-compost and organic fertilisers like Panchakavia and sell them for very minimal cost. We have also installed oil extracting machines."
“when farmers come together, we can become good entrepreneurs and we are the example for it ”
Mr Chinnaiya, a Member Farmer

Image of coconut procurement at FPO Godown
Mr Sethurajan, Manapacheri Village President shared that, "Usually the middleman come to our farm to buy and take our harvest where we can't negotiate our prices. But here, we ourselves are selling the harvest which helps us to earn better profit. We are hoping our FPO to grow further to extract oil from the coconuts at a large scale so that we can export it to other countries."
Mr Chinnaiya, a member farmer, shared, "I have 13 acres of land. I have leased my 800 coconut trees for 4 lakhs for 3 years. There is no profit in hand. After the start of this FPO, I was the one who first bought my coconut for selling. Now per year, I am earning 2 lakhs as income."
He proudly added that "when farmers come together, we can become good entrepreneurs and we are the example for it".