Glimpses from Roundtable on Heritage Conducted in TDA
O ur ancestors worked hard to leave behind a rich legacy for generations to witness. As responsible citizens, it is our earnest duty to work hard to preserve and conserve this legacy and propagate the richness of this rich heritage for generations to come.
As a part of the conservation of heritage, DHAN Tourism Department along with The DHAN Academy conducted roundtable discussions on the heritage conservation of Vikkiramangalam.
In this roundtable, a brief introduction about initiatives of DHAN’s efforts to preserve the heritage through periodic events like ‘heritage Talk’ and ‘heritage walk’ was shared with the participants. Also, memories of a similar roundtable conducted in the year 2018 were revived.
As a part of the roundtable discussion, the location of Vikkiramangalam was discussed and deliberated. Vikkiramangalam, as we all know, is important for its Jain monuments, Madhurodhayaeswaramudayar temple, and water bodies.
Important decisions were taken at the round table discussion. From organizing village committees to releasing booklets on heritage, and from organizing ‘Shramadhan’ to creating awareness through village youngsters, a lot of key points were touched on.
As a part of the concluding remark, it was also decided to conduct such round table discussions once every three months.