DHAN – RBI CFL Project
CFL Banswara team of DHAN Foundation has organized a digital workshop with RBI on 28th July 2020. DHAN–CFL state and district coordinators, Mr. Rakesh Chandra Sharma, Manager, RBI and Mr. S.D. Goyal, FIDD department addressing the 382 participants delivered the progress, interventions, impact and significance of the CFL project.
Members benefitted through CFL initiation across the regions sharing their impact stories, the intervention has created in their life and livelihoods
Total 1300 members from tribal communities across five DHAN’s working Northern states have participated in the programme
Amidst the persistent hike in the cases, ensuring member’s safety and immunity has become the need in the northern states. The frontline warriors of DHAN – the field functionaries –engaged in reinforcing the SoMaHa practices among members and their families, equipping the families with personal protective gears and immunity boosters viz., Arsenicum Album 30 tablets. In July month alone, 4600 Arsenicum Album 30 tablets, 2600 hand wash soaps and 1500 re-usable masks were distributed to member families across the Sailana, Pipiloda, Latehar and Chanho locations.
Reviving the indigenous traditional practices, in Tankuppa and Fathepur locations, members were oriented to prepare natural sanitizers, which constitutes neem leaves, Basil leaves and Fitari (local name of the leaf). 148 members were trained for the preparation and they’ve commenced the manufacturing of the natural sanitizers at their homes. Conventional food practices pertaining to the communities were studied and analysed to come out with local immune diet chart for the ease of communities to avail and incorporate and regularize the immune diets among the families. Regional and Field team engaged in disseminating SUHAM facilitated SBCC material for the overall well-being of the member families across all the regions.