Restoration of livelihoods in COVID adaptation phase
T he novel Coronavirus pandemic not only hit on the health, but also brought mental stress to the poor and vulnerable community who are really lost their livelihoods. It may take more than a year or two to revive and restore their livelihood. COIVID 19 makes the poor and disadvantaged community to become economically vulnerable and not able to think about their future.
The sections most affected in the disaster are the unskilled labour engaged in informal sector activities in the urban and peri-urban areas, such as artisans, daily wage labourers, unorganised construction sector workers, migrant labour, small vendors, internally displaced people, women-headed households, physically challenged small producers, small and marginal farmers etc.
DHAN Foundation through its intensive livelihoods revival processes has generated a wide range of leads to revive and stabilize livelihoods activities across the Rural, Coastal, Tribal and Urban context. The livelihood revival process has got top primacy wherein the community were inducted with structured guidelines to assess the viability and also to deepen the livelihood graduation along with entitlements.
Analyzing the livelihood status is conceived as first and foremost component wherein the community were categorized as Fully Affected, Partially Affected and Not Affected as livelihood mapping. The community is inducted to have a deeper understanding about livelihood financing based on the viability including credit support and appropriate utilization. Livelihood counseling along with skill building through LIFE Centres and Jeevidam community college enabled the community to get graduated in the respective livelihoods. The Fully Affected Families belongs to survival category (S1) have received utmost care and attention.
Outcomes of the Livelihood Revival Processes