A team of 18 members from France visited DHAN Foundation from 17th February 2020 to 28th February 2020 as a part of the Project A.S.I.E – NamasTech Mission 2020. Project A.S.I.E (Association for Solidarity International Education (ASIE) has been in collaboration with DHAN Foundation since 2009. Over the period of 11 years, a total of 420 students/interns/ volunteers visited DHAN Foundation. This visit was categorized into two: first seven days in DHAN Karunai Illam, and the remaining five days they have involved in Cultural Immersion Programme.

DHAN Karunai Illam students gave a traditional welcome to the team by presenting them with Lotus flowers to all and Bangles for Girls. On the second day, the team visited the flower garden where they’d witnessed the plugging process of the various flowers, and analyzed the marketing options available in the flower market, and also learnt about flower knotting process. The team then visited Pudhupatti satellite centre along with Illam children. On the third day, team visited 1000-year-old Temple in Kuruvidurai and witnessed the traditional Indian architecture. This was followed by visiting a 700-year-old Check Dam in Kallanai. Then the team visited Bangalapatty satellite village centre with Illam children.
The focus of the fourth day was ‘Exposure and Learning of Batik Activity,’ where the coordinators detailed to the team – the history of Batik, the process of Batik making, segregation of colors, waxing, dying, de-waxing and repetition of the same to obtain the final product. The process was demonstrated by the local artisan in a detailed manner. A.S.I.E team members have designed three hankies. Then the team visited Kottai Satellite center visit with Illam children. On the fifth day (on i.e., 21st February 2020) the team visited Meenakshiamman temple and witnessing India’s rich tradition and architecture.

After interaction with senior leaders of DHAN Foundation, the team visited Muthairaiyanagar satellite center with Illam children. For the sixth day (on 22nd February 2020) the team were facilitated to visit a 1200 years old temple in Thenkarai village followed by visited Veelinayaganpatty satellite centre with Illam children. The seventh day (on 23rd February 2020), a musical workshop was organized for the team and Illam children. Mr. Joe Ziako facilitated the workshop. As the team is leaving Illam to participate in cultural immersion programmes, the seventh day ended with valedictory function.

The second segment (from 24th to 28th February 2020) was cultural immersion programme, facilitated by Dr. Sethuraman (Art Historian) and Dr. V. Vedachalam (Archaeologist). They visited Vikramangalam village where they have visited 1000 years old Shiva Temple for its Unique Pandya Style Architecture. There they have involved and participated in ‘Oilattam,’ one of the forms of Traditional Folk Dance. On 25th February, they visited 1200-year-old Rock cut Temple (Jainism). On the third day, they visited Arittapatti village to see 1200-year-old Rock cut Templet Architecture (Hinduism). In the village, the team also witnessed and learned about the traditional grinding (how paddy is being pounded in an environmentally friendly way to remove its Husk). On 27th February, the team went to Chettinad Village experiencing Chetinad Building Architecture, experiencing how environmentally friendly floor tiles are manufactured, then they visited the traditional irrigation system and temples visits focusing Temple Tank Architecture and had interaction with Local Communities at Soorakudi Village. On 28th February 2020 (the last day), they left Kanadukathan Heritage village to Cochin to board their return flight to France.