Reserve bank of India has been announced financial literacy week (FLW) every year since 2016 to propagate financial education messages on a particular theme across the country. FLW 2018 and FLW 2019 were focused on consumer protection and farmers respectively. The theme selected for current yearFLW is “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which has been announced from 10thto 14th February 2020.

In the month of February, DHAN Foundation’s Kanchipuram region along with Read More Tamil Nadu Grama Bank branches have organized three days’ financial literacy programme in three blocks viz., Wajabad, Pallavaram and St. Thomas mount. 155 members have participated in the event. Regional Managers and Branch Managers of Tamil Nadu Grama Bank, District Lead bank financial literacy coordinators, Officials from Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) were the chief guests for the three days’ event.
The key focus of the three days’ event is awareness creation on:
- Aspects related to Formalization
- Collateral Free Loans (especially MUDRA)
- Discounting of receivables
- Rehabilitation of stressed units and timely repayment
- PM Social Security Schemes