Newsletter March

World Cancer Day

Around 35 women of Keerathurai slum have got benefitted through the awareness program organized by SUHAM. The 4th of February 2020 marks World Cancer Day. As the primary purpose of celebrating World Cancer Day is to reduce the number of cancer patients and the death rate caused due to cancer, SUHAM conducted an awareness program on breast cancer and cervical cancer at Keerathurai slum. SUHAM institute students who participated in the awareness program portrayed the awareness through the charts and pictures. Students also explained the symptoms associated with breast cancer and cervical cancer and how to perform self-examination to identify the symptoms. Cancer awareness video stories were screened to the participants at the end of the program.

A Roundtable on Cancer awareness was also held at DHAN Foundation Central Office, Madurai on 4th February 2020. The main focus of the roundtable was how to project the empowering call-to-action, “I Am and I Will,” into the community, urging for personal commitment from all the members.