Neithal Mutual Movement Day 2021
T he horrors of the Tsunami are well known to all of us. Within a short span of time, the crashing waves swept away countless lives, properties, dreams, and aspirations. With the loss of livelihoods, innumerable families drowned in the vicious cycle of poverty.
It is with this pursuit to overcome poverty and to make every family stand tall, that DHAN Foundation initiated the SHG federations on the east coast. In the year 2010, the entire DHAN promoted SHG federations in the CALL programme decided to reorganize this people’s movement in the name of ‘Neithal Mutual Movement’. Also, they decided to celebrate the ‘Neithal Mutual Movement’ (NMM) day on June 5th of every year because the movement was registered in the 1st week of June and world environment day comes on 5th June every year.

Pongal Celebrations - As a part of Neithal Mutual Movement
Neithal Mutual Movement - ’2021:
The focus of world environment day - 2021 is to reimagine, recreate, and restore. Based on that it was planned to celebrate the NMM day.
All the coastal regions organized the NMM day inauguration meeting along with a round table conference. Community leaders, people staff, PSDB, and DHAN staff participated in the meeting through online mode. Programme leaders from the DHAN Foundation, CALL programme team members, and special guests also participated in the meeting and contributed their thoughts for improving the NMM activities. In the NMM day inaugural meeting, the community leaders shared their contribution and achievements of the regions. They appreciated the best-performing location, staff, and leaders.
On the eve of NMM day, through tree plantation and beach cleaning, the programme tried to ‘recreate’ the environment. They planted 5,755 trees in the NMM day particularly Nagapattinam and Tuticorin region. Ramnad, Tuticorin, Pudukottai, Cuddalore, and TKKM regions also ensure the tree plantation on that day. The programme also planned to plant more than 5000 trees in the coming months.
Ramnad and Cuddalore region conducted beach cleaning activities in about 5 villages.
COVID-19 tested the health care system of our country. In an effort to restore the people’s life through immunity building the regions were involved in providing immunity boosters to the community.
Vital potions like Kabasura kudineer and arsenic album were distributed to around 25,000 people in around 425 villages. Also, around 12,000 people benefited from the awareness programs organized by the locations.
Our colleagues from the Tuticorin region supplied around 2000 kitchen garden seeds to the members to improve their dietary habits.