Newsletter September

Awareness through SBCC Posters

Sustainable Behavioral change communication (SBCC) is the need of the hour in times of uncertainties where people need to adopt to the new way of lifestyle by dropping out their old-habits. To make the communities adjust to the new normal, SUHAM Trust has come up with SBCC posters in local vernacular languages viz., Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam.

Understanding and avoiding the contraction through preventive measures, with immunity building food in-take and proper medication for specific vulnerability have been captured in the posters for the benefit of the people in the community across all the contexts.

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  • Grassroots action
  • Enabling
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
  • Excellence
  • Self-Regulation

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  • DHAN Foundation
  • 1A, Vaidyanathapuram East
  • Kennet Cross Road
  • Madurai - 625016
  • Tamil Nadu, INDIA