Policy workshop with the community
I t is always necessary to revisit the policies to accommodate the interventions in line with the contemporary developments in the sector. Policy workshop at community level is a prerequisite to assess and assimilate the growth track and also to expand the reach via saturation. The policies are to be evolved and reorganized in such a way to deepen the concepts around member expansion, credit expansion, and sustainability, etc. Another important role of policy workshop is to generate a wide range of mechanisms for integration to capitalize the opportunities available.
A search for saturation in social security
Federation Collective has emerged as a potential platform for a holistic development at grassroots. Promotion of mutual federations plays a greater role in saturating social security at grassroots. The People Mutual has set the goal to cover 1 million poor families under mutual insurance. A campaign was organized for the community belongs to Madhya Pradesh to help them understand and appreciate the importance of social security. The potential for life and mutual insurance was assessed in a participatory mode especially on the status of PMJBY and PMJSBY coverage. The members were immersed with the knowledge on social security schemes.
Community Led Saravana Poigai Restoration
The Kalanjiam groups active in the SaravaPoigai temple were mobilized and were made aware about the need of restoration of the Saravana Poigai Temple tank. The tanks catchment area is limited to the Thirupurakundram hillock; thus, it is very important to keep the basin clean and free of open defecation. The temple tank is actively used by the nearby community for washing clothes, taking baths and recreational purposes, but very few steps are taken to restore the natural water balance. Often in summers, mass fish death is reported in the tank due to decreased levels of DO in the tank water. The communities were gathered and sensitized about the issues of waste management in and around the tank base. Further a restoration and cleaning drive was carried out together with the help of Kalanjiam groups, to instill a sense of ownership among the community members.