Food Mela Celebrations
I Immunity building is an immediate agenda to save the poor families from health risk. Undernutrition is one of the most contributing factors to illness and has greater implication on physical and mental development.
DHAN Foundation’s Community Healthcare Initiatives envisage life-cycle approach of women focusing children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and post-natal mothers to address various health problems wherein nutrition security gets more attention. Constructing the context specific health framework bridges the gap in addressing nutritional security to the native communities. The behavioral change communication along with peer education brings clarity and convergence among community to conserve and consume nutriti ve food at household level. Achieving the comprehensive nutrition security is one of the core goals of the people institutions wherein continued literacy programmes are envisaged accordingly. Low cost and no cost measures towards nutritional security like kitchen garden, backyard poultry, enhancing food absorption through personal practice changes, intake of balanced diet, etc are integrated at household level.
Food mela is an unique activity done at location level where the Kalanjiam members come together and demonstrate cooking the nutritive food. The event creates platform to appreciate the importance of local food system and also about its preparation.