Distribution of Daily Ration kit by DHAN Foundation & Reliance Foundation in Nanded
D HAN’s Nanded region has been constantly at the forefront of battling COVID-19 since its onset.
As part of continued COVID-19 relief activities, ration kits were distributed to the poor and needy women of the Akashzep Kalanjiam Women's Federation, Hingoli. The relief activity was conducted with the joint efforts of both DHAN Foundation and Reliance Foundation.
Relief materials such as flour, sugar, oil packets, turmeric powder, salt, pulses were provided to around 36 poor and needy women. Mr. Saurabh (Manager Canara Bank Hingoli) and Mr. Vijay Khillare (RCT) were present as a part of the event.
Also, as a part of separate activity around 800 packets of dry ration kits were distributed.