Plantation of trees for strengthening of Ahar - Pynes
I n the month of March , a tri-party agreement was signed between the DHAN Foundation, DRDA and ITC to promote sustainable livelihood for rural poor through the restoration of Ahar and Pyne.
Ahar-pynes structures are age-old and stand as testimony of ancient wisdom. They support agriculture, livestock, fish rearing, employment generation for landless, groundwater recharge, bird sanctuary, and many more. The revival of the Ahar-Pyne system will lead to the revival of the rural economy of Munger.
Therefore , in order to support these structures and to restore the biodiversity in the region, DHAN Foundation along with its partners have successfully planted more than 80,000 trees in the region.
For the success of the humongous task, our colleagues from Vayalagam worked relentlessly along with the forest department and ITC.