Webinar on the economic downturn and poverty challenges
T he Corona Virus or Covid – 19 as it is referred to, and the resultant lockdown has impacted almost everyone in the world. Factories, shops, and large-gathering events were closed. Global commerce and trade are yet to fully recover. Educational institutions are shut. Poor populations are more vulnerable than before because of loss of access to essential goods and services, shortage in traded goods, price increases, and loss of livelihood.
The lecture was conducted by Mr. Mandar Nayak, who is a graduate in engineering and an alumni of the weekend MBA program, PGSEM (Post Graduate in Software Enterprise Management) from the Indian Institute of Management IIM Bangalore. He has over 20 years of engineering and managerial experience with corporates and has also worked as Internal Consultant with the Expenditure Reforms Commission (ERC), and FPI (Fiscal Policy Institute), Karnataka State Government, as well as in civil society. Presently, he takes up consulting assignments in an independent capacity.