• The DHAN Academy
    Induct and Groom Young Graduates for Development Actions.

Welcome to The DHAN Academy

The development sector, particularly grassroots NGOs, requires development professionals to facilitate the development process. The unorganized poor communities need to be provided with an enabling environment to get them organized for accessing and managing resources for their livelihoods development. Enabling the poor would lead to their entitlement and empowerment. There is a need for long, continuous, and rigorous development processes from committed development professionals to bring the desired changes in the lives of the poor.

With this understanding the Academy has set its vision as “becoming a Centre of Excellence” in professionalizing the development process through its quality education, training, research and consultancy programmes. It aims at grooming development professionals into development missionaries by inculcating development values and ethics in them. The Academy believes that these missionaries can facilitate the flow of young, socially concerned, and dynamic professionals into the sector to promote a value based society among the poor.

Vision & Mission

To become “Centre of Excellence in Development Management Education and Research for facilitating large-scale development action at grassroot level

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The DHAN Academy is a pioneer in the field of development management education with a unique value framework and aims at grooming and mentoring

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The DHAN Academy is incorporated as a trust under Indian Trust Act, 1882. TDA is governed by the Board of Trustees given above. Decisions regarding

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TDA - Way of Life