Celebration of World democracy day
D HAN Panchayat Development Programme ( DPDF) marked World Democracy Day with a knowledge-sharing programme on 25th September 2021. The event was an effective platform for the social enablers to relook at the past experiences in democracy development at the grassroots level.
The event was celebrated virtually on ‘Google Meet’. The participants consisted of the Panchayat president, vice president and cluster associates.
DHAN Foundation E.D. Sri M.P. Vasimalai gave the welcome address and Shri. Thirumalai, Chief Editor, Namadhu mannvasam, gave a special address at the meet. The E.D. spoke on ensuring direct democracy, he insisted that the Kalanjiam and Vayalagam Programmers should involve in grassroots action at the village and panchayat levels.
Mr. Thirumalai, in his opening remarks, spoke on honouring democracy to ensure good governance in the country. Also, effective democracy ensures that people are not discriminated against.
Mr. Janakiraman presented the topic on “Direct Democracy through Village Panchayat” He explained the world Democracy index and what is the position of our country in comparison to the world. For improving Democracy, he mentioned some of the vital aspects to be focussed on. First, the common man should be aware of political knowledge the way to respond to it. Second, genuine leadership at the grassroots level and third, Independently functioning of the judiciary system. These three things, according to him, is very important for direct democracy.