Microfinance and Inclusive Development
An Alternative Summit
Date: June 21-23, 2011
Venue: Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of AP, Hyderabad
Day 1: June 21, 2011 (Tuesday)
Registration: 9.00-10.00 a.m
Inaugural Session: 10.00 – 11.30 a.m.
10.00 am | Prayer | |
10.05 am | Welcome Address | Sri. B. Rajsekhar I.A.S Chief Executive Officer Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty |
10.10 am | Lighting the Lamp | |
10.15 am | Opening Remarks | Sri. R. Subramanyam I.A.S Principal Secretary – Rural Development Government of Andhra Pradesh |
10.20 am | Sri. T. Vijay Kumar, I.A.S Joint Secretary (SGSY) Director – National Rural Livelihoods Mission Ministry of Rural Development Government of India |
10.25 am | Smt. Angoori Lakshmi Shivakumari Member of Legislative Council Government of Andhra Pradesh |
10.30 am | Dr. Humaira Islam Founder Executive Director. Shakti Foundation BANGLADESH |
10.35 am | Smt. V. Sunitha Laxma Reddy Honorable Minister for IKP, Women, Children, Disabled and Juvenile Welfare |
10.40 am | Special Address | Dr. D.Veerendra Heggade Dharmadhikari, Dharmasthala, Karnataka |
10.50 am | Key Note Address | Sri. Jairam Ramesh DHonorable Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Environment and Forests, Government of India |
11.05 am | Inaugural Address | Sri. Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy DHonorable Chief Minister Government of Andhra Pradesh |
11.20 am | Vote of thanks | Sri. M. Kalyanasundaram Chief Executive, INAFI-INDIA |
11.20 a.m. – 11.35 noon: Tea Break | ||
11.45 – 12.30 p.m | Inauguration of Exhibition by Hon’ble Minister for IKP Delegates to visit the Exhibition |
Plenary Session: 12.45 noon – 2.15 p.m.
12.45 p.m | Theme Paper Presentation | Sri. M.P. Vasimalai Executive Director, DHAN Foundation, India |
1.00 p.m | Panelists | Sri. B. Rajsekhar I.A.S Chief Executive Officer Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty |
1.10 p.m | Sri. Zakir Hossain, Executive Director, BURO, Bangladesh | |
1.20 p.m | Sri. Shakila Wijawardena, Managing Director and Chief Executive, SEEDS, Sri Lanka | |
1.30 p.m | Dr. Rohit Kumar Nepali Executive Director South Asia Partnership International (SAP-I), Nepal | |
1.40 p.m | Ms. Ruth Mamerta Callanta Centre for Community Transformation, Philippines | |
1.40 p.m | ‘Padmashree’ Aloysius P. Fernandez Chairman, NABARD Financial Services Limited (NABFINS) | |
2.00 p.m | Discussion and wrap up | |
02.15 p.m. – 03.00 p.m.: Lunch Break |
Parallel Sessions: 3.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
- Topic: Social Inclusion and Social Capital
Chair: Mr Jacob Thundyil, PREM, Orissa
1. Ms Ruth Callanta, CCT, Phillipines
2. Dr Manjunath, SKDRDP, India
3. Mr Jaipal Singh, Centre for Microfinance, India
4. Mr Shalimath, IDF Financial Services, India - Topic: Building demand stream-SHG Federations
Chair: Mr Jagannath Rao, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
1. Mr N. Karthikeyan, Kalanjiam Foundation, India
2. Ms Jane Manucdoc, ASKI, Philippines.
3. Mr Hasan Ali, Palli Bikash Kendra, Bangladesh - Topic: Governance and legal issues in community managed MF Programmes
Chair: Mr Shesadri, Consultant Chartered Accountant – Bangalore
1. Ms. Usha Rani, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Mr Emranul Haque Chowdhury, UDDIPAN, Bangladesh - Topic: Self-regulation
Chair: Mr C.S. Reddy, APMAS Hyderabad
1. Mr Shakila Wijawardana, SEEDS, Sri Lanka
2. Ms Shanthi Maduresan, Infos, India - Topic: Special purpose people institutions
Chair: Mr. M.P. Vasimalai, Dhan Foundation, India
1. Mr Atiqun Nabi, MIME, Bangladesh
2. Mr Balasubramanian, People Mutuals, India
3. Mr Sudhakar Reddy, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India - Topic: Tribal Livelihoods
Chair: Mr Yogesh Sawant, BAIF, India
1. Mr Vittal Rao, Dhan Foundation, India
2. Mr Sirajul Islam ED, ASHRAI-Bangladesh
3. Mr Stan Bonagiri, Agriculture and organic Farming Group, India - Topic: Farm based livelihoods
Chair: Mr. Muralidharan, AKSHARA, India
1. Mr Ashis Mondal, ASA, India
2. Mr Mohammad Hasan Ali, ED, PBK, Bangladesh
3. Mr M.D. Vinod, AOFG India
4. Mr Aneesh P Joseph, AOFG, India - Topic: Coastal Livelihoods
Chair: Mr Vivekanandan, Trivendrum
1. V.B. Rao, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Mr Ephrem, SIFFS, India
3. Mr Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, COAST Trust, Bangladesh - Topic: Livelihood systems – Supply and value chain approaches
Chair: Mr T. Muralidharan, Bangalore, India
1. Mr Narasimha Reddy, PM - Dairy, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Mr Ganesh, Anandham Dairy Project, Dhan, India
3. Mr Rashed Al Hasan, Inafi Bangladesh Foundation
4 Mr E.M. Koshy, AOFG, India - Topic: Skill building for livelihoods
Chair: Mr Shylendra, IRMA, India
Mr Balasubramaniam, JSS, Coimbatore, India
2. Mr Janarthan, ED, Rudseti, India
3. Mr M Abdus Salam, Chief Executive, GUK, Bangladesh - Topic: Social Impact Measurement Tools
Chair: M. Kalyanasundaram, INAFI INDIA
1. Dr C.P. Nagi Reddy, Director, E&L, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Prof. V.J Naidu, Andhra Pradesh, India
3. Mr Sivakumar, Dhan Foundation, India - Topic: By community members on MFIs- Issues and Problems
Day 2 – 22.06.2011 (Wednesday)
- Field visit: Participants would be made into 20 sub-groups and each group would visit a village, interact with the community to understand the projects of the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP)
- Discussion: By Community Members
a. 10.00-1.00 P.M
Community Institutions-Self management and self reliance
b. 2.00- 5.00 P.M
Poverty eradication through social mobilisation and women empowerment
Day 3 – 23.06.2011 (Thursday) Parallel Sessions: 9.30 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.
- Topic: Savings – Innovation in Product and Delivery
Chair: Graeme, MICROSAVE
1. J. Murali, SERP, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Mr Devilal, PEDO, India
3. Mr Enamul Haque, ASA, Bangladesh
4. Mr Subash Mendhapurkur, Sutra, India - Topic: Development Credit
Chair: Mr Narendranath Reddy, GM, Andhra bank
1. Mr M. Premakumar, DGM, NABARD
2. Mr Padmavathy, KDFS, India
3. Mr Gadiyappanavar, Sanghamithra, India
4. Md Enamul Haque, Bangladesh
5. Mr Muralidharan, India - Topic: Migration and Remittances
Chair: Ms. Leila, Consultant, Hong Kong
1. Mr Marlon, INAFI Philippines, Philippines
2. Mr Rashed, INAFI Bangladesh, Bangladesh
3. Mr Md Azizul Hoque, Bangladesh
4. Mr Md N. Amin, AHIKAR, Orissa - Topic: Consumer Protection
Chair: Mr Sanjaya, RPCD, RBI, Hyderabad, India
1. Mr Atiqun Nabi, INAFI Asia, Bangladesh
2. Mr Emranul Haque Chowdury, UDDIPAN, Bangladesh
3. Krishna Reddy, Sa-dhan, India - Topic: Microfinance and Financial Inclusion
Chair: Mr. Sitarama Chandra Machiraju, World Bank
1. Mr Manjunath, SKDRDP, India
2. Mr Dhan Raj, Indian Bank, Microsate Branch
3. Mr Chanti Babu, ZEROMASS, India - Topic: Microfinance and Health Programme
Chair: Dr. Rajaratnam Abel, Public Health Specialist
1. Mr Rajapandian, Kalanjiam Foundation-India
2. Mr A.N.Md Emam Hasanath, Manabik Shahjya Sangstha (MSS) Bangladesh
3. Ms Zahida Fizza Kabir, Sajida Foundation, Bangladesh - Topic: Microfinance and natural resources management
Chair: Mr. Vijay Sardana, Consultant, India
1. Ms Nandini, AKRSP, India
2. Mr Gurunathan, Vayalagam Foundation, India
3. Mr A.K. M. Shirajul Islam, BASA, Bangladesh - Topic: Microfinance and Gender empowerment and mainstreaming
Chair: Dr. Humaira Islam, Sakthi Foundation, Bangladesh
1. Mr Devilal, GDS, Lucknow,
2. Ms Mahbuba Haque, INAFI Asia
3. Mr Saraswati Shrestha, Women Co-operative society Ltd., (WCS)Nepal
4. Ms Kusum, MAVIM, India - Topic: ICT in Microfinance
Chair: Mr. Satish babu, Trivandrum
1. Mr Yogesh Sawant, PEDO, India
2. Mr Chalapathy Rao, Coramondal Infotech, India
3. Mr Mahfuz Ali Quaderi, Anannyo Samaj Kallyan Sangostha (ASKS), Bangladesh. - Topic: Connecting MF and MDGs
Chair: Mr. Joseph Gloria, PRRM, Philippines
1. Mrs A. Umarani, Tata Dhan Academy, India
2. Mr Iqbal Ahammed, PADAKHEP, Bangladesh - Topic: Community Institutions- Improving delivery of Government services
- Topic: Mainstreaming Insurance to People living with HIV
1. Dr Parnjape, National Aids Research Institute
2. Mr Ashok Jha, USAID
3. Mr Ravi Subbaih, PSI
4. Mr Liyaquat Ali Khan, Actuary
5. Mr Anand Rudra, USAID
6. Mr K.K. Srinivasan, IRDA
7. Mr Ardhana Jhori (NACO)
1. Ms Saroja, State Representative of PLHIV Networks
2. Dr Ganga Khedkar, National Aids Research Institute, Pune
3. Mr Sundarrajan, Senior Branch Manager (LIC - P&Gs)
4. Ms D. Rama, Assistant Vice President, Star Health Insurance to PLHIV
5. Ms B. Sivarani, Programme Leader, Dhan Foundation
6. Ms S. Gayathri, Team Leader, People Mutuals, Dhan Foundation
01.00 – 2.00 p.m.: Lunch Break
Valedictory Session: 02.00 pm. – 04.00 p.m.
2.00 pm | Welcome address | |
2.05-2.30 pm | Filed visit- Reflections | |
2.35 pm | Address | Sri. Arvind Kumar I.A.S Joint Secretary (Financial Services) Ministry of Finance, Government of India |
2.45 pm | Sri. Biswajit Sen Senior Rural Development Specialist The World Bank, New Delhi |
2.55 pm | Sri. R. Subramanyam I.A.S Principal Secretary – Rural Development Government of Andhra Pradesh |
3.05 pm | Prof Gary Field, Prof. of Economics, Cornell University, USA |
3.15 pm | Honorable Sri. Vatti Vasantha Kumar Minister for Tourism & Culture, Archaeology & Museums, Archives & Youth Services & Sports, NCC |
3.30 pm | Valedictory Address | Ms. Usha Thorat Director Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL) Reserve Bank of India |
3.30 pm | Vote of Thanks | Sri. M. Kalyanasundaram Chief Executive International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions – India |