Engendering Development Microfinance and Community Ownership Microfinance and Inclusive Development Microfinance and Inclusive Development Microfinance and Inclusive Development Microfinance and Inclusive Development Microfinance and Inclusive Development Microfinance and Social Capital Microfinance and Social Capital Microfinance and Social Capital


Summit Overview

Microfinance and Inclusive Development � an Alternative Summit

Globally, microfinance has come a long way in achieving the objectives of impacting poverty. A large segment of poor people have access to microfinance services viz. savings, credit, micro insurance and remittance and there is a perceptible reduction in poverty. Some even talk about/initiated micro pension schemes.

Two distinct approaches characterize the delivery of microfinance � minimalist or financial system approach and poverty school approach. The financial system approach seems to relegate microfinance as a means of addressing poverty. This has led to a debate in many countries as to whether there is a mission drift leading to decreasing focus on developmental outcomes of microfinance interventions. Beyond finance, microfinance programmes have generated social capital providing for synergy to initiate and intensify an inclusive developmental process encompassing livelihoods, education, health and MDG related goals.

Summit Brochure

Day 1: Community / Client ownership of microfinance and social capital

Day 2: Savings led development �microfinance services

Day 3: Beyond microfinance � engendering development



National Rural Livelihoods Mission

Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty

International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions

Supported by

Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project


Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai


National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development