Invite for Press Conference on
Microfinance and Inclusive Development – an Alternative Summit
Date: June 20, 2011 (Monday), Time: 11.00 a.m.
Venue: Chamber of the Hon’ble Minister for Indira Kranthi Patham and Pensions,
K Block, I Floor, Secretariat, Hyderabad
The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), Government of Andhra Pradesh in association with the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) of GoI and International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions (INAFI) is organising International Summit on the theme of “Microfinance and Inclusive Development” at Hyderabad from 21-23, June 2011.
There is a greater concern across the globe that microfinance programmes have been drifting from the original purpose and moved away from the primary objective of addressing poverty rather more concerned with the sustainability resulting in gross commercialization with its attendant impact of chasing profits at the expense of clients and hence increasingly we are asking the question what has gone wrong with microfinance. However, the alternative perspectives of community ownership, building social capital through microfinance and leveraging microfinance for larger development process and outcome have been expressed well in many microfinance programmes across the globe, particularly in Asia.
The Summit would focus on sharing the knowledge and practice among the stakeholders of microfinance and development. Microfinance practitioners from the countries such as Bangladesh, Philippines, Afghanistan, Nepal, Srilanka, Africa and USA are attending the Summit. The SERP is hosting the Summit and there is a field visit to the activities of SERP on the second day of the Summit. Shri. N. Kirankumar Reddy, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, chairs the inaugural programme on 21, June 2011, and Shri. Jairam Ramesh, Hon’ble Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Forests and Environment would felicitate the Summit.
The Press Conference is organised to brief about the Summit and its themes.
Present for the Press Meet
Smt. V. Sunitha Laxma Reddy
Honourable Minister for Indira Kranthi Patham, Women, Children, Disabled and Juvenile Welfare
Mr. B. Rajsekhar IAS
Chief Executive Officer
Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), Government of Andhra Pradesh
Mr. M. Kalyanasundaram
Chief Executive
International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions (INAFI)
For further information
please contact:
KRK. Chary, Communications Officer,
O/o Commissioner – Rural Development,
GoAP, Hyderabad.
Mobile: 9849906065. Office: 040-23296279,
email: communications.crd@gmail.com