DHAN Foundation is working in Bihar for the past 15 years and received award from Bihar Innovation Forum in the year 2014 for renovating Ahar and Pyne system in Gaya District. From October 2015 to March 2021, DHAN Foundation has renovated 243 Ahar and Pyne systems in Munger belongs to Baduva basin with support of ITC Limited, Munger and the interventions had social, economical and environmental impact on 8260 households.
In 2021, an agreement was signed between District Rural Development Agency, ITC Limited, Munger and DHAN Foundation under the banner of Public Private Civil Society Partnership. The agreement was primarily aimed at enabling by building the capacity of local communities, Panchayat representatives and government officials, developing water resource development plan for 73 panchayats, employ scientific approach in conservation works and facilitate the implementation through MGNREGs.
In the journey, 214 Ahar and Pyne works identified by the local communities were renovated under MGNREGS. The project has brought immense changes in the ground impacting life and livelihoods of the rural communities in nine blocks of Munger district. Given the background, a dissemination workshop on titled “Effective Partnerships for Sustainable Development” was organized for sharing the experience, knowledge and impact realised by the community, which can be scaled-up in any parts of the nation.
The dissemination workshop was graced with the auspicious presence by the District Collector, Project Director, District Programme Officer (MGNREGA), District Fisheries Officer and the key functionaries from ITC limited, Munger. Community who benfitted through this mission have shared their experiences. A set of resolutions have emerged for scaling-up similar initiatives across the state.
The team at Pambar Basin has conducted District level policy seminar on `Improving soil health by Tank-silt application’ and showcased the best practices prevalent on the subject.
The team at Kothagudam, Telengana region organized series of Financial literacy programmes for the Vayalagam families in association with ITC Limited
A new watershed work has been launched with the support of NABARD in Warangal Region
Kolar region (Palar upper basin) in association with the Watershed Development Agency has done Taluka Level lunching programme of REWARD project