Centres for integration

The Central office plays the integration role across themes, geographic locations, functionsetc. through innovative integrating mechanisms and events. It provides strategic support to the newthematic institutions promoted and help them to establish themselves. The central office also takes the responsibility for resource mobilization and its management, strategic planning, policy advocacy at higher levels and legal compliances. The central office plays the integration role across themes,geographic locations, functions etc. through innovative integrating mechanisms and events. It provides strategic support to the new thematic institutions promoted and help them to establish themselves. The central office also takes the responsibility for resource mobilization and its management, strategic planning, policy advocacy athigher levels, legal compliances etc. It has set up specialized Centres for Human Resource Development, Development Communication, Policyand Planning, and Finance for the above activities as well as the different themes and thematic institutions. DHAN has a number of integrating mechanisms that besides bringing in a common culture, vision among all the members also builds the leadership capacity. Some of them are the Strategic Forum, Consultative Forum, retreat, task forces and working groups for specific purposes.They contribute to the institution building processes and collective leadership. DHAN Foundation has a number of integrating mechanisms that besides bringing in a common culture, vision among all the members also builds the leadership capacity. Some of them are the Strategic Forum, Consultative Forum,retreat, task forces and working groups for specific purposes. They contribute to the institution buildingprocesses and collective leadership.

The Programme leaders, Regional Coordinators and anchors of the Centres met every month to review operational issues and plans and to workout mechanisms for integration across themes and institutions. Knowledge building workshops were organised on select themes with them. The Consultative Forum met twice during the year. It has reviewed all the programmes of DHAN collective. The Strategic Forum met several times during the year to review the growth and set the direction for the future growth. The eleventh Annual Retreat was organized at Adilabad, with the TribalCommunities. DHANites stayed in the villages understood the heritage of tribal culture and reflected on their self, institutional growth and achievements.


Turning the tide - Enabling poverty reduction

It is rare to find a woman shoulder the responsibility of farming. It is usually the male counterpart who takes up the farm responsibility, but it is not so in the life of Kamatchi.Read More...