Vasanthikurubai gains confidence

Vasanthikurubai is a member of Selvalakshmi Kalanjiam in Krishnanpudur cluster in Salem. She has two daughters who are studying in 10th and 12th standard, living with her husband - Isravel.

Both she and her husband are involved in murukku preparation activities. ‘We used to get an income of Rs.75 to 125 per day, with which we have to pay the house rent, educate our children and take care of other household expenses,’ Vasanthi says of the problem she faced before.

It was during that time she joined Selvalakshmi Kalanjiam before five years. First she got a loan of Rs.10000 which she used to expand her business activity. Later she also got Rs.5000 with which she got a grinder which further helped in the business.

‘Now we get an income of Rs.150-200 per day. Now I am also able to repay the outside debts. I regularly repay the loan amount in the group,’ says a happy Vasanthi. ‘Now I got confidence and hope to act.’

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