The Transformative Journey of Vengalamudaiyal from Appanenthal Village

In the quaint village of Appanenthal, nestled in Ramanathapuram district, lives Vengalamudaiyal, a resilient single mother and dedicated farmer. Life dealt her a tough hand when her husband left her, leaving her to raise her children and sustain the family with just three acres of farmland. Undeterred by the odds, she cultivated paddy, chillies, and millet, striving to make ends meet. However, the journey was far from easy.

Facing the Challenges

Before joining the DHAN Foundation’s Jeevidam Group, life as a small-scale farmer was rife with challenges for Vengalamudaiyal. Middlemen dominated the local markets, leaving little room for farmers like her to earn fair prices for their harvests. Transport costs and the absence of direct market access further eroded her profits, making it nearly impossible to sustain her family.

A New Beginning with Jeevidam

Everything changed when Vengalamudaiyal became a member of the Muthukulathur Kalanjia Jeevidam Farmers Producer Company Limited, a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) promoted by DHAN Foundation. Through this platform, she not only found a supportive community but also uncovered new opportunities for fair and transparent marketing of her produce.

The Power of Ethical Marketing

For the first time, Vengalamudaiyal sold 21.5 bags of RNR paddy directly through the FPO. The results were remarkable:

  • She earned ₹1400 per bag, compared to the local market rate of ₹1350 per bag.
  • The elimination of an 8% commission saved her significant costs.
  • Additionally, the FPOs logistical support reduced her transport expenses by ₹40 per bag.

In total, these benefits amounted to an extra ₹4515 in earnings—a financial lifeline for her family.

Direct Marketing and Value Addition

The transformation didn’t stop there. The FPO processed the directly procured paddy into rice and marketed it to FPO members at affordable prices. This transparent approach cut out middlemen entirely, ensuring fair prices for farmers and quality products for consumers.

For Vengalamudaiyal, the knowledge that her produce reached consumers directly was deeply gratifying. It wasn’t just about financial gain—it was about reclaiming dignity and control over her hard work.

Inspiring the Next Generation

The impact of Jeevidam extended beyond financial empowerment. Her son, once skeptical about farming, found renewed interest and hope in organic agriculture. The family’s connection with Jeevidam FPO infused optimism and a vision for a brighter, sustainable future.

Turning Struggles into Success

Every extra rupee earned through direct procurement became a blessing, offering much-needed financial relief and inspiration to continue farming despite adversities. The success of ethical marketing practices not only uplifted Vengalamudaiyal but also inspired her fellow farmers.

A Beacon of Hope

Through its transparent processes, the Muthukulathur FPO has proven that small, consistent efforts can lead to monumental changes. Vengalamudaiyal’s story is a testament to the strength and determination of farmers who persevere under challenging conditions. It is also a reminder of the power of community-driven initiatives in creating a better future for generations to come.

Her journey is not just a success story—it is a beacon of hope for countless farmers striving to rise above difficulties and achieve a sustainable livelihood.

DHAN Core Values

  • Grassroots action
  • Enabling
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
  • Excellence
  • Self-Regulation

Contact Us

  • DHAN Foundation
  • 1A, Vaidyanathapuram East
  • Kennet Cross Road
  • Madurai - 625016
  • Tamil Nadu, INDIA