Kalanjiam Helps Meet Health Expenses

Sahin Banu is a member of Kathambam Kalanjiam for the past 8 years. Born and brought up in Erode, she came to Salem, after marriage. She is a mother of two girls who are studying in school.

Before joining Kalanjiam, she used to get loan from outside - from money lenders, who used to charge exorbitant rates of interest. But due to family situation, she had to depend on them even for household expenses. During this time, she joined Kalanjiam and got credit support for variety of purposes.

‘I used to get severe stomach pain before. I didn’t know what it was and I frequently visited the doctor,’ she recalls of the uterus problem she had before. But later it was diagnosed as cyst formation in the uterus. She was asked to undergo hysterectomy and was told that that cost will be Rs.60000.

During that Kalanjiam came to my help. Given the fact that she had Rs.10000 as savings in my group, she was immediately given a loan of Rs.40000 from the group. This along with the money she already had helped her undergo the operation. ‘Now I don’t have any stomach pains. I am paying back the money to the group,’ says Sahin Banu.

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  • Grassroots action
  • Enabling
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
  • Excellence
  • Self-Regulation

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  • DHAN Foundation
  • 1A, Vaidyanathapuram East
  • Kennet Cross Road
  • Madurai - 625016
  • Tamil Nadu, INDIA