Marching ahead

The generosity and charitable mind of Jean Watson, led to the growth of this institution over years into a full-fledged home for poor and orphaned children. However the Illam encountered a problem when her local associates running the home started misappropriating the funds. Jean dissolved the partnership and later roped in DHAN Foundation as a partnering NGO. The illam which was functioning as Mahatma Karunai Illam was rechristened as DHAN-Karunai Illam.

The Karunai Illam has enabled many children to go far higher studies and settle in respectable jobs. The silver jubilee function of the Illam held in September, 2012 held symbolizes that the Karunai Illam will continue to support more children in the coming years in its way towards the Golden jubilee function.

Jean rendered the financial support for this organization individually and later roped in many of her friends and associates in New Zealand. They operate in the name of Karunai Illam Trust and provide continued support and assistance.

DHAN Karunai Illam is now under the process of constructing a unified hostel building for boys and girls for which the foundation stone was laid in October,2013.

Their new local partner DHAN Foundation has been rendering all their support and guiding them for new initiatives. Karunai Illam will continue to shower its love and affection, for the poor and orphaned children.