
Karunai-DHAN Nursery and Primary School

This school was initiated during the year 2008-2010. This is a activity based rural model school where Play-way method of learning was implemented which sustains the interest of students and facilitates better learning. The school currently as twenty employees with Mr.Ragavan, managing the school. A nominal fee is charged for the students and currently there are 270 students enrolled. The school is now self-sustained.

A new building for the school was constructed in the year 2011-12 for the school and there is a plan for constructing additional classrooms.

LIFE center

The center for Livelihood enhancement through functional education (LIFE) was inaugurated in the DHAN Karuani Illai premises itself by 10th September,2010 by Ms.Vasugi, the District Collector, Dindukal, in the presence of Ms.Jean Watson, Mr.M.P.Vasimalai, Executive Director of DHAN Foundation and Ms. Sakthi Purashkar Chinnapillai, Kalanjiam Mutual Movement. The center so far has offered many courses of which three courses are held regularly and the other on need basis. The following are the skill trainings offered through this center.

Regular trainings


Government certified trainers were employed for giving training on above skills. Apart from this there are four regular staffs for this center

A nominal charge is done for all these trainings. Apart from this fund support for this center has come through various schemes and organizations like NABARD, Modular Education scheme, Canara Bank and ICDS. Yearly four hundred to five hundred students get trained through this center. So far 2500 persons were trained on various activities through this center. The center is now self-sustainable and able to meet its running cost.