How you can get involved

Come join hands for a Cause – every pair of hands make a difference

A Cause so precious for Life – Heritage Water Bodies

You can join in this Cause who ever you are, whatever be your age, where ever you are based, whatever be your beliefs, which walk of life you may belong to - for all of us the need for water is the same and important and so is each one of us responsible to preserve it for the next generation

Well all is fine. What can I Do?

Participate in the events leading up to January 13, 2008

Join in any one or more ways as outlined below. Share that you care about the cause and will dare to do what is needed by each one of us to ensure water for all. Let us not allow Madurai to become a desert by continuing what is happening now.

Show your solidarity for the cause of water. Use this opportunity to know and understand what is happening today. What are the efforts needed to get water for all and what we need to do as Individuals and as a Community

Track Events

Mini Marathon : Run for the Cause and share your Strength

Walk for a Cause: Walk for the Cause and express your Solidarity

Half Marathon: Identify with the Cause and celebrate your Achievement

Run for the differently Abled: We care about the cause and it is dear to us

Roller Skating: We are here to get the cause on the fast track

REGISTER for the events.

Participate in the Competitions

Essay Writing


We will be featuring the best entries on this site along with your name and school/college.

ENROLL for the competitions

Share your Knowledge and Experiences

Reminiscences of Water in Madurai in the years ago

Share your knowledge of what was Madurai in relation to water resources. Speak with your elders at home and get them to share their recollections of what it was. Share any maps, visuals, old articles, press clippings, features that appeared earlier, books, research studies, reports which can be put up on the net for all of us to know about it. All contributions that are put up in the site will be duly acknowledged with the authors and sources.

Contribute articles related to Heritage Water Bodies

Write on the Water and the marathon's awareness building themes to reach out to the layperson, students and general public. They will be featured on this website and we will work with the media to get some of the best ones published. Convert your research reports, study reports related to water into 1-2 pages articles so that our collective awareness increases and new directions and leads for actions emerge. Your articles should not be more than 600 -1000 words.

Share Best Practices related to Heritage Water Bodies

Share based on your experiences/experiments best practices related to water at the individual level, household level/ street level/ community level etc so that we can increase the positive impact. Let us highlight successes and learn from it and reach out to more people and communities to adopt what is relevant to them from your experiences. Your experience sharing notes should notes should not exceed 1000 words.

Share excerpts and links to water related resources to create access to relevant resources which provide leads and guide for action for different segments of the society. Share quotes related to water, its care and importance.

Sponsor and Support this initiative

Such an event is being organised in Madurai for the first time and it will be possible only with the generous support that you extend to this very important cause. SPONSOR THE RUNNERS through Pledge for a cause.


The impossible becomes possible and the hard work becomes light when many hands join. We particularly welcome volunteers to join us in this initiative and help make it a grand success.

Watch this space for announcements related to volunteers and how you can support us being here or elsewhere as reaching out to the cause has no boundaries.

© Copyright Madurai Marathon 2008