Logo Theme
Green and Clean Environment

An opportunity

Walkathon is an annual feature organised by DHAN Foundation on a specific theme for every two years. This is a public event, engaging the citizens for a common cause, organised across the country, where DHAN has its presence. Walkathon is not just an event organised for creating awareness, rather it calls for concerted action on the issues during and after the event. Initiated as Madurai Marathon in 2007, a Run for Water to involving the youth in large numbers subsequently took a shape of Walkathon in 2013, broad basing the event to include people from all walks of life irrespective of age. Since inception, the themes of the event were as followed:

  • 2007 & 2008 – Run for Water and Conserving Heritage Water Bodies
  • 2009 & 2010 – Run to be Free from Anemia
  • 2011 & 2012 – Run for Climate Change Adaptation
  • 2013 & 2014 – Walk for Agricultural Bio-Diversity with Special Emphasis on Small Millets

Walkathon is a pan-India event organised on a particular day with a lot of programmes before and after the Walk. Drawing and poster making, slogan writing and essay writing competitions would be organised for the students from schools and colleges on the theme. The winners would be awarded at the Walkathon event. Exhibitions and seminars would be organised after the Walkathon event to deliberate on the theme and get into action after the event.

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