About Us
DHAN International has been promoted by DHAN Foundation and incorporated in Netherlands primarily for the purpose of development to address poverty in Asia/African context:
The approach of DHAN International would be multi pronged, building professionals, direct action in partnership with local institutions for community based microfinance and water programmes and a franchise model with our technical assistance and capacity building of professionals. DHAN International would also undertake advocacy work with development agencies/Governments at international level.

Secondly, DHAN International will seek for development partnership through multilateral arrangements for scaling up/expansion of the DHAN’s various development verticals in India.
Thirdly, the DHAN International would be promoting the concept of “Friends of DHAN” in different countries. “Friends of DHAN” is typically a group of admirers of DHAN’s work in a particular country who would promote philanthropy and raise the resources for DHAN Foundation’s programmes and projects in India and elsewhere. As the circle of “Friends of DHAN” enlarges, it would assume the status of legal entity from being a unincorporated association of persons. Currently, we have well established entity of “Friends of DHAN” in Netherlands. “Friends of DHAN” in Netherlands have done splendid work in supporting healthcare initiatives of DHAN essentially to build hospitals for primary and secondary care.
DHAN International has two pronged approach – direct action in partnership with local NGOs/civil society groups and technical assistance/consultancy support for development intervention. As a part of capacity building of NGOs, advanced programme on microfinance has been organized for African development professionals on the community based model on the principle of cooperation and mutuality.
- On the back of scaled up model for micro insurance/mutual insurance initiatives, technical assistance has been provided to micro insurance programmes to the similar initiatives in Bangladesh and Cambodia.
- Furthermore, technical assistance mutual on the concept of mutual crop insurance has been provided to MFIs and NGOs in Ethiopia and Senegal.
- DHAN International has also provided diagnostic framework for development interventions basically focusing on farm based livelihood initiatives in the watersheds in Senegal through the network of INAFI International to NGO FDEA.
- Technical support for product development for a suitable pension product to address old age income security issue in Vietnam for the unorganized workers in the farm and rural sector
Under the aegis of DHAN in Netherlands, DHAN International has mobilized support for healthcare of women and children with the focus on community participation. Secondary care hospitals have been established with the resources raised by the friends of DHAN. These unique initiative of DHAN International has enabled access to healthcare at an affordable cost for more than 100,000 women in many districts in the State of Tamil Nadu.
Looking ahead
As for the future plans, DHAN International will focus on building people institutions around micro finance and water by organizing the unorganized women, small farmers, agriculture labourers in Africa and Asian context with the primary purpose of strengthening, advancement of sustainable livelihood of these marginalized communities. Grassroot action, technical assistance including capacity building would be the core strategy in collaboration with the NGOs in Africa.