Ramya Nageswaran from Singapore is one of the indefatigable champions of the oorani who has taken up the cause very close to her heart. I am sure all those whom Ramya has reached out in the last one year and more would attest to.
It was her team's contribution as part of the Water Club, Singapore along with AIMS India (Ravi Venkatesh) and NRI
Homecoming (Ramkrishnan) which made it possible for us to do the first Oorani through contributions from individuals and
small groups in E Velayuthapuram in Vilathikulam. She took up the cause of Viyasapuram Oorani and mobilized a large group
of her friends across the globe to support the cause in this village. Her enthusiasm and support for the cause is a source
of inspiration for the team in the field.
Not one to rest as soon as the requirement for the Viyasapuram oorani was met, she and her husband Ananth turned their
personal occasion to celebrate on their 15th wedding anniversary into an opportunity for themselves and their friends to
support the community at Neerkoliyenthal village to renovate their oorani.
Soon Samipatti village beckoned her to champion the oorani in the village. Pretty soon Ramya galvanised her friends from Focus India Forum, friends of friends at COVANSYS, Viyasapuram oorani supporters for a second time and other friends to meet the need for them.
She has started her work of mobilizing support for the fourth oorani at Dodanda village in a deep tribal area of Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh. Your energy and enthusiasm never ceases to amaze us. We thank each and every friend of Ramya and Ananth in joining hands with the community for resolving their basic need of drinking water on behalf of DHAN and the community.
Ms. Ramya says "As a donor, I always look for projects where my contribution can make a lasting difference. I think donating for an oorani fits this requirement to the T. An oorani is a life changing and life giving addition to any village. Both men and women can work without worrying about collecting water, migration to cities in search of work goes down, children can study without walking long distances to fetch water or looking after the household chores when the mother is walking miles for water. Having adequate water provides the villagers with much more choices in their lives and also helps them to live a life with dignity."
news & events
DHAN Foundation bags Times of India Social Impact Awards under Environment Category
DHAN Foundation bags Jindal Prize under Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Category.
Ramya Nageswaran from Singapore is one of the indefatigable champions of the oorani who has taken up the cause very
close to her heart. I am sure all those whom Ramya has reached out in the last one year and more would attest to. It was her team's contribution as part of the Water Club, Singapore along with AIMS India (Ravi Venkatesh) and NRI
Homecoming (Ramkrishnan).
Turning the tide - Enabling poverty reduction
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