Agicultural Biodiversity Community
Agicultural Biodiversity Community


Knowledge Exchange Visit on Seed

WAVE Foundation, a Civil Society
Organization emerged in 1990 in
Bangladesh. WAVE launched its
development pursuits aiming at
integrated development emphasizing
economic, human and skill development
of organized women. In its relentless
effort since the last 29 years in the
development field, the organization has
been implementing multifaceted
interventions on various pressing issues
like basic rights together with right to
food and rights of the poor

Knowledge Exchange Visit on Seed

The mandate of PELUM Kenya is to
ensure empowered and prosperous
communities deriving their livelihoods
from sustainable land use. In an effort to
undertake its mandate, PELUM Kenya
is promoting an integrated approach to
participatory, ecological land use
management for improved livelihoods
among the small-scale farmers in Kenya.
It is on this account that PELUM
Kenya organized the 1-day training in order
to empower farmers on seed multiplication,
storage and conservation.

Making the Case for Ecological

This project emerged from an Alliance for
Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
strategy development workshop in Ethiopia
12-16 August, bringing together Food
Sovereignty alliances from across Africa,
and attended by Dr Vandana Shiva. AFSA
was formed around two years ago as a
continental food sovereignty advocacy
organisation.The project goal was to gather,
develop and disseminate a knowledge
system of best practice / case studies in
ecological agriculture.....

Moratorium on the Entry of GMOs
to Peru

The experience of Peruvian organizations
of civil society in the struggle against the
entry of living modified organisms -in
this document interchangeably called
GMOs or transgenic, clearly stands out in
Latin America. Transgenic crops have
expanded greatly in Mexico, Brazil,
Argentina, Paraguay, even in the Bolivia
of Evo Morales. In Peru however, after
a process that took nearly twenty years
a national law that established a ten
year moratorium on the entry of GMOs
in the country was enacted.....

Nutritional and Therapeutic Properties
of Indigenous Paddy Varieties (IPVS)

Final Progress Report of the project
implemented by the Centre for Indian
Knowledge Systems (CIKS), Chennai,
INDIA for the period November 2013 to
September 2014 (Ref. SED a@k 2013CIKS)
I. Survey of Modern Technical Literature
This survey was undertaken directly by the
CIKS Team in Chennai based on our library
resources and internet searches. A detailed
report of the progress is given in Annexure
– 1 which includes the following documents.

Agro-biodiversity Stewardship Award
An analysis of lessons learned

The agrobiodiversity@knowledged Knowl-
edge programme sought to break through
the barriers that limit the scaling up,
institution embedding and horizontal
extension of practices that build on
agricultural biodiversity for improved
livelihoods and resilient food systems.
Community Technology Development
Trust (CTDT) is part of a global knowledge
and experience sharing community
(agricultural biodiversity community-abc)
of organizations working on agricultural
biodiversity with millions of farmers
worldwide to gather,

Building Open source Seed Systems

The three-year Agrobiodiversity@knowl-
-edged Programme (started in 2011)aims
to break through the barriers that limit
the scaling up, institutional embedding
and horizontal extension of practices
that build on agricultural biodiversity
for improved livelihoods and resilient
food systems. At the heart of the progr-
-amme is a global knowledge and
experience community (Agricultural
Biodiversity Community-ABC)
organizations working...

Making markets work for Agricultural
Biodiversity A Position Paper

When the Agricultural Biodiversity
Community (abc) formulated its focal
working areas during its second meeting
held outside Bangkok, Thailand in 2012,

Agicultural Biodiversity Community