The local officials and the elected representatives of the local panchayats were organised for orientation on ethical democracy at each block. The role of local official and localbody governance are very critical in strengthening the democracy at grassroots level. They are also an important stakeholders for village level governance. So, these category was organised to give inputs on ethical democratic principles, practices and procedures; They could able to understand more about the democratic tools like social audit, referendum and panchayat parliament etc. We could organise this programme as a workshop at block level in each of the region with the participation of local officials like village Administrative officers, Noon meal organisers, Village nurses, Rural welfare officers and block level extension officers and the ward members and panchayat presidents from the panchayats in that block and SHG federation representatives. The workshop was conducted on the wholeday and discussed about the status of the democratic practices adopted, the gaps observed and the plan for adopting such practices in future. It was communicated to this forum about the steps taken for creating awareness among the SHG community, youth community and students community to strengthen the panchayat level practices. They were very positive to give hand for such new practices in their block.

Table : Shows the details of the workshop conducted for local officials and elected representatives.

S. No. Name of the lcoation No. of events conducted participants attended-Local officialsparticipants attended-Elected Repparticipants attended-Others(SGH) Total
1 Alanganallur / Madurai / Tamilnadu 2 12 116 4 32
2 Bagidora / Banswara / Rajasthan 1 11 18 5 34
3 Koraput / Koraput / Odisha 1 14 25 6 45
4 Pipiloda / Ratlam / Madhyapradesh 1 15 16 8 39
5 Bannur / Mysore / Karnataka 1 11 19 2 32