The Training programmes for the SHG women were implemented in five regions as we planned. Each team we established in the region was involving in rigorousely conducting the training programme for women. The Alanganallur – Tamilnadu and Bannur – Mysore locations were handling the rural women and the remaining three locations viz Bagidora – Rajasthan, Pipiloda – Madhyapradesh, Koraput – Odisha were covering the tribal women in the training programme. In each location, the details of the number of training programmes and the number of participants are given.

The training programmes were conducted at group level in Bannur and Alanganallur regions and in the remaining regions, it was conducted at cluster level (more than one group in a time). These training programmes were facilitated by the DHAN Field staffs exclusively placed for this project. The focus of the training programme for SHG members was on a democracy system, various democratic tools available for the practice, knowing more about the village panchayat systems, understanding various entitlement programmes available at village level. Since most of the participants are illiterate, the facilitators were handling the training programmes as colloquial form of discussions. All the training programmes were conducted at their villages with the participation of all its’ members.

Table : Details of Training programme for women

S. No. Location / Region No. of trainings conducted No. of SHGs covered No. of women participation
1 Alanganallur / Madurai / Tamilnadu 85 100 1511
2 Bagidora / Banswara / Rajasthan 44 100 1500
3 Koraput / Koraput / Odisha 58 100 1500
4 Pipiloda / Ratlam / Madhyapradesh 23 100 1501
5 Bannur / Mysore / Karnataka 100 100 1651
Total 310 500 7663

The total training programmes arranged for SHG women are 310, and reached 7663 women from 500 SHGs.