"Spreading awareness on financial literacy"
- SBI Youth For India Kapil Kumar

Kapil interacting with the villagers

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“A nna...Anna...” A soft inquiring voice came from behind as Mr.Kapil was busy nourishing a cold glass of sugar-cane juice on a bright Sunday afternoon in Ramnad.

Turning around he saw a tiny girl with something clenched in one hand “Anna , can you please help me save some of this. My Amma just gave it to me”, said the girl as she opened her palms revealing some handful of coins and untidy notes.

Startled for a moment, Kapil slowly kneeled down levelling to the height of the girl.

“Kandipa, papa”, (“Sure,dear child”) he said smilingly to the girl.

It has been only six months since his arrival and Kapil has already made it his mission to impart financial literacy in every block of Thiruppullani location in Ramnad District.

“When I came here I found that the awareness about financial literacy is needed for people because it directly affects routine life of people so I decided to work on financial literacy as my project. I started visiting the community to know about the ground reality and day to day problems faced by people. The schemes provided by the government are still out of reach of common men"

Mr. Kapil Kumar

Hailing from Punjab, Kapil has served in SBI Bank since 2011.

The core part of his project is to spread awareness about financial literacy and to facilitate enrollment of people in social Security schemes.

In the upcoming months Kapil along with the federation office team plan to try to reach everyone living far away and in the coastal area.

As Dhan Foundation plans to start a CFL (Center for Financial Literacy) program at Thiruppullani location as a part of RBI initiated project , he plans to organise camps in the same block.

Kapil interacting with the villagers


DHAN Foundation is always a pioneering development institution to build poverty-free, gender-balanced, equitable, ecological-sensitive, democratic, just and value-based inclusive society. It creates freedom of choice to the families, groups and community to determine and develop the meaning of their lives, their identities and their life styles for the well-being of their life.


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