"Eating healthy with Koraput Cookies"
- SBI Youth For India Ashish Agarwal

Ashish with his team producing Koraput Cookies

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Our body needs healthy food, but our mind craves for taste. But what if someone tells you that you can get a bit of both.

Ashish Agarwal , a B.Tech from Gujarat wants to make the same point as he embarks on a journey to make Koraput eat healthy with his own unique brand of ‘Koraput Cookies’.

The concept ,according to Ashish , lies in engaging tribal women in production of millet-based food products and creating market-linkage of the products. This project will provide alternate livelihood to households, while simultaneously promoting production and consumption of healthy millet-products.

Ashish identified the Millet food-product as ‘Cookies’ after visiting local bakeries and researching on demand, packaging, shelf-life, pricing and recipes.

Ashish identified the Millet food-product as ‘Cookies’ after visiting local bakeries and researching on demand, packaging, shelf-life, pricing and recipes.

Post to that , he finalized the recipe for his cookie. Not only that , Ashish also identified tribal women to run the enterprise . Following to that he constituted the enterprise for registration and licensing.

Koraput Cookies Food Product

“Now we are conducting training sessions for the tribal women so that they can create the cookies more effectively. Based on the feedback we will look for scope in improvement of the recipe”

Mr. Ashish Agarwal

Koraput Cookies!

He has now well chalked out plans for the remaining months of his fellowship. From FSSAI and other statutory requirements to performing lab-testing for shelf-life and nutri-value of the food-product, he has maintained a check-list of procedures to be completed before ‘Koraput Cookie’ finally hits the shelf of the market.

He has already started with the designing his website and very soon plans to make it operational.

“As per our strategy , we are going to sell 60% of our products on e-commerce while 20% would be targeted to be sold at bakeries and shops. The remaining can be given away as corporate gifts” , he said while appearing optimistic about the future of the delicious ‘Koraput Cookies’.


DHAN Foundation is always a pioneering development institution to build poverty-free, gender-balanced, equitable, ecological-sensitive, democratic, just and value-based inclusive society. It creates freedom of choice to the families, groups and community to determine and develop the meaning of their lives, their identities and their life styles for the well-being of their life.


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